Generative Communities
Fifth Experience:
Person Centred Leadership
Our colloquium on Generative Communities has borne fruit in this fifth experience on Person Centred Leadership in Community for monastic women and men in four encounters.
This facilitated day will consist of four encounters comprising scripture, presentation, shared response, poetry and group activity.
The four encounters of the day will be developed from a colloquium to be held 6-7 January 2015, Atchison Kansas, especially the paper on “Participation in a Shared Project”.
Generative Communities
Fifth Experience: Person Centred Leadership
Participating communities and organisations: Ealing Abbey
The basic outline for this day is as follows.
First Encounter: The human person as the ground of identity, a reflection on sacred texts and the human person.
Second Encounter: Jeannine Guindon’s experience of person centred leadership.
Third Encounter: Jeannine Guindon’s teaching on person centred leadership.
Fourth Encounter: Our experiences of ‘person centred leadership’
Pre-requisites for participation in this day’s four encounters. It is recommended that participants in the day will have attended at least the eight encounters of the first and second experiences of the Generative Communities days on ‘differentiated representation of self’ and ‘participation in a Shared Project.’
Recommended reading to give a background to the theory and practice:
Jeannine Guindon, The Integral Human Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood, tr. T. Prendergast, Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions Paulines, 1993.
Julien Alain – Jeannine Guindon, Prendre sa vie en main: L’enjeu de la vingtaine, Montréal, Paulines 1992.
Erik Erikson, Identity and the Life Cycle, 1994.
Erik H.Erikson – Joan M. Erikson, The Life Cycle Completed 1998.
Jean Piaget – Bärbel Inhelder, tr. Helen Weaver, The Psychology of the Child, Basic Books 1972.
If you would like more information on presenting a day or days for your community (religious or secular) please contact: jl AT jamesleachman DOT com
© Ealing Abbey, copyright 4 October 2014