Generative Communities
Third Experience:
Vocational identity
Our colloquium on Generative Communities has borne fruit in this third experience on vocational identity in community.
Participating communities and organisations: Ealing Abbey, Naos-Institute
This facilitated day consists of four encounters comprising scripture, presentation, shared response, poetry and group activity.
These four encounters were developed from a colloquium held 7-8 January 2014, Atchison Kansas.
Third Experience: Vocational identity
The first facilitated day on this experience was held at Turvey Abbey, 16 May 2014.
This was repeated for the monastic renewal programme of Sant’Anselmo on 20 May 2014.
The first experience in four encounters was offered once more at the request of the Union of Monastic Superiors, Great Britain, and was facilitated by Fr James Leachman and Fr Daniel McCarthy. The day was hosted by George Guiver CR and the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield on Thursday 25 September 2014. 12 monastic participants from Hyning, Mirfield and Stanbrook participated.
Fr James Leachman and Fr Daniel McCarthy are developing the content and dynamic of the third experience around the following framework:
First Encounter: The human person as the ground of identity, a reflection on scripture and the human person.
Second Encounter: Jeannine Guindon’s experience of vocational identity.
Third Encounter: Jeannine Guindon’s teaching on vocational identity.
Fourth Encounter: Vocational identity in community.
Pre-requisites for this third experience: It is recommended that participants in this third experience day will have already attended the first experience in four encounters of the Generative Communities day on ‘differentiated representation of self.’
Recommended reading to give a background to the theory and practice:
Jeannine Guindon, The Integral Human Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood, tr. T. Prendergast, Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions Paulines, 1993.
Julien Alain – Jeannine Guindon, Prendre sa vie en main: L’enjeu de la vingtaine, Montréal, Paulines 1992.
If you would like more information on presenting a day or days for your community (religious or secular) please contact: jl AT jamesleachman DOT com
© Ealing Abbey, copyright 4 October 2014