Getting there together Step 2 – monastic activities
Part of being Benedictine is that we live in community. Getting together again is going to be an important step in regenerating a lively community.
At Ealing Abbey we are particularly fortunate in that we are monks of different generations.
Four monks are older than 80 and they share the wisdom they have received.
Three monks are aged between 60 and 80 and they are still giving what they best give to others.
Four monks are aged between 50 and 60 and they are busy nurturing the young in different ways
Two monks are aged between 40 and 50 and are in the height of their professional work.
We want to discern the will of God for us as a Benedictine monastic community and carry it out under God’s direction and with God’s help.
We will travel as slowly as we need in order to journey with all the members of the monastic community.
First step:
So the first task to set ourselves is to re-create, re-generate, re-form a healthy monastic community. Getting together again and sticking together is going to be an important step in regenerating a lively community. Every member is to show respect to every other and to appreciate the uniqueness of himself and of all others
The joy will be in the journey together
© Ealing Abbey, copyright 5 February 2014