Latin 5 day reading intensive

Courses on demand (minimum numbers required)
tutors: Laura Pooley and Daniel Vowles

Academia latinitatis to 5 days, 24 hours teaching time, 4 hours per day.
Students may prepare for a Latin qualification, for those who are studying for the Latin entrance examination at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy (PIL), Roma, for the Liturgy Specialization and for Canon Law in the Catholic University of Leuven and at other institutions.  We shall read and study the texts that are used in the entrance examination of different institutions.

Beginners: Latin Language for those who have not previously studied Latin either at all or inadequately.
In the beginners course you will learn to recognise and use the functions and times of verbs in the indicative mood, and nouns and adjectives of the first block.
Students may wish to progress to intermediate level in the Summer Latin programme.

Intermediate: Latin Language for those who are familiar with the functions of verbs and nouns from beginners’ level, introducing and re-presenting the subjunctive mood, continuing to to recognise and use the functions of verbs in the indicative mood, nouns and adjectives of the first block, and working with the subjunctive mood. 
Students may progress to proficient level in the Summer Latin programme

Proficient: oficient: Latin Language for those who are familiar with subjunctive mood and the “consecutio temporum”. There is an entrance assessment. 
Students may wish to consolidate their learning at this level in the Summer Latin programme.

updated 24 January 2022