London Spring

London Spring: where people can get together
with Dr. Inderjeet Singh Wasu
in collaboration with Deep Democracy Forum
Saturday 22 July 2017 10.30h to 15.30h
Spring boarding inter-faith dialogue –
taking collective ownership
at the grassroots level,
with inspiration and movement,
supported by the Abbot of Ealing
1045 welcome by Fr James Leachman OSB
In order to provide a unifying arc to the day, Fr James will introduce the dream behind London Spring and the intention around it; followed by an introduction by members of the Deep Democracy Forum who will facilitate the afternoon forum.
1100-1200h: Dr Inderjeet Singh Wasu: “Common Ground of Sikhi and Christianity” – followed by an open question and answer session.
1200-1330h: informal & shared lunch
1330-1530h: “A Meeting of Different Spiritualities” – moving to a more open framework where a broader group of people can get together; facilitated by members of Deep Democracy Forum
‘In this afternoon forum we will invite people to share their stories and histories and hope to create a space where we can explore different positions and roles, differences in rank and power, and the difficulties and tensions that can arise between us and in our communities.’
London Spring at No 74, Castlebar Road, Ealing W5 2DD
This day is hosted and led by Fr James Leachman with Dr. Inderjeet Singh Wasu (visiting Southall from Punjab from 5 to 26 July 2017) in the morning session; and members of Deep Democracy Forum in the afternoon session. Meet interested and interesting people.
We have been discussing with many Sikh friends and also members of the Committee of Ealing Sikh Gurdwara if we can arrange a meeting. Now our plans have developed enough to commit ourselves to arranging this afternoon in July.

Christian and Sikhi Leaders together in Assisi
London Spring
The intentions of London Spring on this day are to bring together people from the Sikhi, Christian and many other different faiths with social-spiritual facilitators of all sorts, in an atmosphere of peace and trust. We want to explore both unity and disunity in the context of our shared humanity and the realisation of our ideals and vision. We want to look at the varying levels of our human, cultural, religious, spiritual & mystical experience in the cultures of the London we love. Together as believers and as social activists we hope to develop unity as sisters and brothers in our shared humanity.
Another aim is to discuss our shared and new insights, our rich diversity and our shared hopes (not forgetting the parts we find difficult to speak about, like the perpetrator and subverter) in order to open a door to a new future.
London Spring aims to help more people remember just how easy it was for Europeans to slide into barbarism, only 70 years ago and we want to prevent something similar and dreadful from happening again.
London Spring: Helping to make London safer for everyone

James Leachman
Dom James Leachman is a priest-monk of Ealing Abbey.
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page created Wednesday 24 May, edited 29 June 2017