The ‘Cantantibus Organis‘ music school
was founded to provide training in ars celebrandi within a monastic setting. The residential course is designed for monks and nuns holding, or preparing to hold, the position of cantor/chantress, choir director or organist within their own monastery. Anyone else interested in making liturgical music an important part of his/her spiritual life may apply to attend.
The approach is twofold, combining training in music with spiritual and theological studies. Monks are welcome to stay either at the Abbey of St Paul’s outside the walls or at Santa Cecilia. Nuns are offered hospitality at Santa Cecilia.
The next residential course will open on the first Sunday of Advent, 1 December 2013, extend over the complete liturgical year, and conclude on the solemnity of Christ the King, 23 November 2014. It will be preceded by an intensive language course, beginning on 10 September 2013, for applicants who are not Italian. There will be an entrance test for first-time applicants. The residential course lasts a year. Those needing to consolidate their studies are welcome to stay for a second year.
A third-year programme, agreed with the tutors concerned, is offered for anyone wishing to specialize in a subject. On completion of studies, a certificate of attendance will be issued.
Applications to attend the course should be submitted by 15 August 2013.
Programme of studies:
Voice training, Music theory, Piano, Organ,
Gregorian chant, practical sessions
Gregorian semiology, Accompaniment of the chant, Polyphony
Liturgy and Liturgical Spirituality
Theology and Spirituality of the Psalms
Music and Liturgy,
Latin language,
Choral Direction
Cantantibus Organis Music School
Monastero Santa Cecilia, Rome (Italian)
Our monasteries should always guard and cherish Gregorian chant as part of their spiritual heritage. I am sure that the Cantantibus Organis music school will help to make it more widely known and ever better sung.
Notker Wolf OSB, Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Order
© Ealing Abbey, copyright 4 June 2015