Spoken Latin Courses

Watch Patrick speaking in Latin in the video below or at this link.

Hours: half days, 4 hours with breaks
Cost: £295

The method will be that by H. Ørberg, Familia Romana (at amazon.co.uk)

Is intended for those who have little or no previous knowledge of speaking Latin. The course is open to those with or without knowledge of written Latin, but wish to understand how to speak the language.

The course will teach the fundamentals of morphology, syntax and vocabulary in Latin through a communicative approach. Classes will be held in Latin and will proceed through the Familia Romana by Hans Henning Ørberg. This is an immersive and intensive course: Latin will be the medium of instruction and students should limit their outside responsibilities in order to allow for considerable daily preparation.

Book for beginning Latin
The method will be that by H. Ørberg, Familia Romana (at amazon.co.uk)

4 hours per day instruction for 5 days. Cost – £295

4 hours per day instruction for 5 days. Cost – £295

To enquire or register please contact –

Clare Cogswell, Registrar: info@benedictine-institute.org