Spiritual Theology
Spiritual Theology is a theological discipline. It is recommended by Sapientia christiana (Art. 51, 1b). Jean Khoury, Ann-Marie Ryan and and Fr James Leachman OSB first met on 20 December 2013. They formed a small working party and began planning a programme for a ‘Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Theology‘.
On 24 January 2014, 28 February and 28 March they continued to meet with Fr Abbot, Sheila Rees and Sr Laurette Bergin CJP. They planned a further conversation on 25 April and approved the first 8 week course beginning on May 2 at 7pm in Benedictine Study and Arts Centre.
Market for Spiritual Theology
We are exploring the possibility of offering a number of short courses or modules on spiritual theology. The market was defined as both young and older lay Christians, religious, clergy, vocation and formation directors. We have planned three levels of teaching (experiences), Level 4 (First Year Undergraduate) Level 5 (Second Year Undergraduate and Level 7 (Masters). We hope it will be possible to arrange further consultations, during 2014, in order together to move these ideas forward. They propose gathering together interested parties, monastics and others, from England and Wales, Flanders and the Netherlands plus a representative of a validating institution.
If you are interested in short courses or modules on spiritual theology, please contact: Jean Khoury: jeancyrille AT gmail DOT com
or James Leachman: centre AT bsac.ac DOT uk
If there is a market for such courses among religiously oriented people, it would be first necessary to asses the market and gather support. Then financial sponsorship and university accreditation would need to be sought in order to make this proposal viable.
1. Beginning: one term after Easter 2014
A ‘Foundational course in Spiritual Life’ (Core Module: Introduction and description of Spiritual life, its goal and its stages) after Easter 2014 on 2 May. It is designed for lay people, including benedictine oblates, and for religious and clergy. Organisation and presentation could involve other churches, remaining always respectful of our distinct traditions.
2. One year course: ‘Foundational course in Spiritual Life’
This course begins in September 2014.
3. Level 7: One year programme for Spiritual Leaders
Preparation for this course is by completing the Foundation Course and the Intermediate course. They are planning a one year programme for those preparing to take positions of responsibility or those who wish to undertake a year of renewal. Candidates for this programme would be formed for leadership of Spiritual Theology programmes in Religious houses, schools and parishes.
This programme would include a practicum or training with supervision in Spiritual Accompaniment (Accompagnement Spirituelle, Geestelijke begeleiding, Geistliche Begleitung).
Jean Khoury’s presentation of The School of Mary is accessible on this website:
© Ealing Abbey, 28 March 2014