Facilities & Buildings for Teaching and Administration
Buildings & Properties used
74 Castlebar Road, W5 2DD
This building was originally called “Overton House” and was built in 1897.
It was opened by Abbot martin Shipperlee on 1 September 2015 and is developing courses at this address.
The Liturgy Institute is at this address
The St Bede Library is at this address
A Monastic programme is being developed at Fr Abbot’s suggestion.
Maurice Fowler Hall
1A Montpelier Avenue, Ealing, W5 2XP
Ealing Abbey Music
This hall is usually used for music practice by the Ealing Abbey Choir on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings. It is also available for hire by contacting Julia Russell 020 8862 two one zero zero jrussell AT ealingabbey.org DOT uk
3 Montpelier Avenue – First Floor
NAOS-Institute has taken a lease and with them we base a new project, Integral Humanism there.
Monastic Buildings
We are grateful for IT Information Technology support (Web hosting agency, Web design adviser): to Dr Michael J. McCarthy
This page is in development
© Ealing Abbey, 26 August 2019