Graduate Diploma in the area of Liturgical Studies
“Diploma in Liturgical Studies”
206 hours contact time (8 modules x 26 hours contact time)
The monastic community at Ealing Abbey supported the development of a Masters level Diploma in Liturgical Studies, accredited by KU Leuven, during the academic year 2009-10.
Abbot Martin Shipperlee and the monastic community at Ealing Abbey have given permission for the Institutum Liturgicum to be resident in 74 Castlebar Road at least until 2020. In addition the Institutum Liturgicum has been honoured to receive the endorsement of both the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and of Belgium.
The award may be completed in three Summer Schools, (206 hours contact time).
Courses, accredited by KU Leuven, are taught in a Summer School during the months of July and August and students who fulfill the necessary requirements (5 obligatory courses and 3 optional courses: 28 European credit points) may be awarded a Diploma in Liturgical Studies.
Four students from Belgium, Netherlands, India have completed the Diploma and are continuing study or applying the knowledge in the service of others.
copyright Ealing Abbey 18 October 2015